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Über mich

Ringo Gossler
- Workshop Design - Facilitation

Do you dislike guided reading through PowerPoint as much as I do? Are you looking for innovative training solutions that go beyond flipcharts and sticky notes?

Then you've come to the right place.

My workshops and trainings are different, playful. My participants are executives and teams who experience playful and creative approaches, unique and inspiring methods tailored to the topic and the group.

They expand their perspectives, open up more quickly, and dive deeper into significant topics. They have fun, "aha" moments, and sometimes even tears. We don't focus on superficial changes. Our goal is sustainable results.

I particularly use Points of You® as one of my main methods. The combination of a photo, a word, and a question creates unique and individual results every time.


Find out more and discover how I have personally grown through these tools and which other playful methods we can use together in your team.

Eindrücke Workshops


Get inspired by the energy and passion of my workshops and training sessions. Experience it for yourself and get swept away by the impressions.

Faces for Leadership
WS DB Cargo
Lego Serious Play
Self-Work Man
Creative Team Collage
Group Activity
International Workshop
Lego Ducks
Who am I as a leader_
Leadership Workshop
Creative Room
Team Understanding
Methoden & Tools


Click on one of the four images to learn more about my methods:

  1. Points of You® - Discover the creative and innovative method that combines professional and personal development.

  2. Lego® Serious Play® - Build, play, and learn with this unique method that helps teams overcome challenges.

  3. Talk About Change - Learn more about this effective method that enables teams to openly discuss challenges and find solutions together.

  4. D.I.S.C. Personality Model - Discover how this method can help you and your team identify strengths and weaknesses and improve collaboration.


I am an expert and look forward to helping you and your team succeed.

How can I help your team maximize their own abilities and potential?

Your next Step:
Discover my Upcoming Workshops for Your Personal & Professional Development

  • Level 1 Points of You Academy
    Level 1 Points of You Academy
    Wed, Oct 23
    Oct 23, 2024, 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
    Oct 23, 2024, 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
    Entdecke die Kraft von Points of You® und erweitere dein Toolkit für persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung. Werde ein Points of You® Explorer und erhalte 6 CCEUs vom ICF.
  • Level 2 Points of You Academy
    Level 2 Points of You Academy
    Datum wird bekanntgegeben
    Ort wird bekanntgegeben
    Datum wird bekanntgegeben
    Ort wird bekanntgegeben
    Datum wird bekanntgegeben
    Ort wird bekanntgegeben
    In diesem Workshop erwarten Dich sowohl praktisches Know-how als auch Erfahrungswerte. Du wirst verschiedene Techniken für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen erlernen, die Du problemlos in Deinem beruflichen Alltag integrieren kannst.

Discover here a diverse and exciting range of workshops and trainings that will help you to develop personally and professionally

In partnership with Meaningful Synergies, we offer a variety of inspiring workshops and trainings to help you develop personally and professionally. Our offerings include both online workshops and in-person trainings on various topics.
Most workshops are conducted in English. Click on the link to learn more and get informed.

Let´s Stay in Contact


TEL.: +49 (0) 1522 25 777 11  |  KONTAKT@RINGO-GOSSLER.DE

Everything starts with a message!

Thank you very much!

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